Data destruction is the process of intentionally damaging storage media to make the data on it inaccessible and unrecoverable. This is vital for protecting sensitive

Flash drives, also called USB drives, connect to computers via USB ports and act as portable storage devices. Their small size, ease of use, and

The Internet is full of “Do Recovery Yourself” materials for data recovery from damaged storage devices. These methods often confuse drive owners, as most of

EMMc data storage use NAND chips. Accordingly, when working with eMMC, as well as with SSD, the reading procedure is performed much faster than the

RAID maintenance is essential to ensure your RAID systems’ optimal performance and longevity. It involves routine checks, disk replacement, and data backup to prevent data

In a MicroSD failure, the card’s file allocation table is violated. The first thing a user may encounter is a decision – to try to

Information has a significant impact on enterprises’ life. Businesses of all sizes rely on this type of asset. Since storing information became harder, companies started

Cleanroom facilities are commonly used in the data recovery industry and in other fields where a safe process has a significant part. Such industries as

People think about various things when hearing the term “data management.” In theory, data management encloses the entire data lifecycle – from its creation to

SSD drives became a great alternative for mechanical hard drives that usually experience data loss from scratched platters. Unlike HDDs, SSDs don’t have any moving